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Making the Most of Primary School Visits

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Making the Most of Primary School Visits Guide

Get my booklet with lots more suggestions of what to look for, listen for and ask on a primary school visit


Online Course

Sign-up to my online course. This takes you through the process of navigating primary school preferences at a time and pace which suits you. PLUS - get my 'Making the Most of Primary School Visits' guide AND my 'Navigating Primary School Applications' handbook.


Live Webinar

This live, online webinar, is the same content as my online course, and comes with all of the same material but there is the chance to interact live and ask questions!

​These sessions only run for a short time and spaces are limited, so don't miss out!

Asya, Greenwich

"Joe's webinar on navigating primary school applications was a great introduction into the topic and really put across the important points to consider while going through the process. The webinar was well structured and easy to follow and Joe helpfully answered all of our questions afterwards. We would highly recommend attending this webinar to get the lay of the land"

Download the Question PDF for FREE!

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Joe Pardoe,
Founder of School Compass

Utilising my 18 years experience of working in education, I am now on a mission to help parents navigate the school system with confidence. My courses and materials have been honed over the last few years - I am so sure that you will find them useful, that I will give you a 100% refund if you are not satified!


© 2023 School Compass LTD. Registered Company: 15022330. Images by Freepik and Sian Bowman


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